Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football

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Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football

Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football

Date added: 2014-09-30


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5 out of 5 based on 686 ratings.

Game Information:

Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (ジョー・モンタナII スポーツトークフットボール) is the sequel to Joe Montana Football, released by Sega in 1991 exclusively on the Sega Mega Drive. It has Joe Montana return as announcer, except this time, his announcements occur continuously in real time in accordance with the action, much as a real American football game would be, as opposed to the previous method of only having voice samples after plays (or in the case of other sports, hits, goals, etc.). The Sports Talk theme would follow in other Sega games, such as Sports Talk Baseball and this game's sequel, NFL Sports Talk Football '93 Starring Joe Montana, and would quickly become standard in both Sega's own games and everyone else's.

How to play:

↑ = up
→ = right
↓ = down
← = left

Z = A Button
X = B Button
A = X Button
S = Y Button

Q = L Button
E = R Button

Shift = Select
Enter = Start

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