Championship Bowling

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Championship Bowling

Championship Bowling

Date added: 2014-09-30


Rated the best by our players

5 out of 5 based on 1390 ratings.

Game Information:

Boogie Woogie Bowling (ブギウギ・ボーリング) is a 1993 bowling game for the Sega Mega Drive by Visco. Visco handed overseas distribution of the game to Mentrix Software, who removed the 'boogie woogie' theme by redrawing graphics and changing the playlist (but not actually removing songs) and released this version as Championship Bowling. The game is a typical bowling game. Use C to confirm each step of each throw (position, spin, angle, power)

How to play:

↑ = up
→ = right
↓ = down
← = left

Z = A Button
X = B Button
A = X Button
S = Y Button

Q = L Button
E = R Button

Shift = Select
Enter = Start

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